PUB DEAL: Samantha Stein, a forensic psychologist, sells her memoir EVIL AT OUR TABLE to Kensington Publishing [Agent: Leslie Meredith at Dystel & Goderich].
PUB DAY: Rob Dial’s Level Up: How to Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating, and Upgrade Your Life (HarperOne) publishes today!
PUB DAY: Conflicting Loyalties: My Life as a Mob Enforcer Turned DOJ Informant by Aiden Gabor (Skyhorse) publishes today!
BESTSELLER: Leading through Disruption by Andrew Liveris (HarperCollins Leadership) hit the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List.
BESTSELLER: Adversity for Sale: Ya Gotta Believe by Jay ‘Jeezy’ Jenkins (HarperCollins Leadership) hit the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists.
BESTSELLER: PhDone: A Professional Dissertation Editor’s Guide to Writing Your Doctoral Thesis and Earning Your PhD by by Dr. Allen Roda, Dr. Lauren Saunders, and Kevin Anderson of Dissertation Editor (Skyhorse) hit #2 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List.
PUB DAY: Adversity for Sale: Ya Gotta Believe by Jay ‘Jeezy’ Jenkins (HarperCollins Leadership) publishes today!
PUB DAY: PhDone: A Professional Dissertation Editor’s Guide to Writing Your Doctoral Thesis and Earning Your PhD by by Dr. Allen Roda, Dr. Lauren Saunders, and Kevin Anderson of Dissertation Editor (Skyhorse) publishes today!
No Deals & News Found.