Writers Retreat in Tuscany

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Nonfiction Ghostwriting Services

Become a published author with the help of bestselling ghostwriters and Big-5 editors


The Wim Hof Method 1
body reset diet
Daring Greatly
Dunder Mifflin 1
You Are a Badass
Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money
Titles written, edited, or published by our staff

New York Times




New Authors

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Are you ready to become a published author?

Work directly with publishing’s most acclaimed and sought-after professionals, including #1 New York Times-bestselling writers, Big-5 publishing executives, and notable literary agents.

Only KAA offers exclusive access to this caliber of talent. 


Our Work

Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money

Bestselling Author With 8,000,000+ Copies Sold Worldwide

Built, Not Born: A Self-Made Billionaire's No-Nonsense Guide for Entrepreneurs

#1 WSJ Bestseller by Billionaire Founder of Paychex

Dunder Mifflin 1

NYT Bestseller by Cast of NBC’s The Office

body reset diet

NYT bestseller

Blue-Collar Cash: Love Your Work, Secure Your Future, and Find Happiness for Life

Six-Figure Deal with Harper and WSJ Bestseller

Working with Kevin Anderson & Associates is a great experience. Having worked together on multiple books over the years, they’ve proven themselves to be reliable, responsive, and talented. Their team of bestselling authors is a great resource for us and I definitely recommend their services to any author or publisher looking for top-quality writing services with a well-managed process.

Celeste Fine, Park & Fine

#1-ranked agent on Publishers Marketplace

I’ve enjoyed working with Kevin Anderson and Associates on my books and appreciate their assistance in guiding me through the publishing process. My lead writer, Mike Wicks, worked closely with me to capture my voice and ensure the writing was readable and accessible.

Tom Golisano

Self-made billionaire, founder of Paychex, and author of the #1 national bestseller, Built, Not Born

Thanks to the tireless support of Kevin Anderson & Associates, especially Eric Spitznagel, who helped us piece together this jigsaw puzzle of interviews. Your prose is as beautiful as your soul.

Brian Baumgartner and Ben Silverman

Authors of New York Times bestseller, Welcome to Dunder Mifflin: The Ultimate Oral History of The Office


Why Choose
Kevin Anderson & Associates?

Work With Bestselling Writers

#1 Bestselling Ghostwriters

Work with New York Times-bestselling nonfiction writers who can transform your concept and ideas into a powerful book.

Big-5 Acquisitions Editors

Your project will be managed and edited by a former acquisitions editor from a Big-5 publisher with numerous New York Times bestselling titles.

Personalized Ghostwriting

Every idea, every author, and every subject is unique. We build a team that knows your target audience, understands your subject matter, and can capture your individual voice.

Low Time Commitment

Agent and Publisher Connections

Our clients include literary agents and publishers who specialize in nonfiction, offering you unparalleled access to the industry. While not every author is the right fit for a traditional publisher, we regularly secure deals for our clients.

Proven Track Record

Our track record includes countless award-winning and #1 New York Times- bestselling books. Leading publishers and agents hire KAA to help their authors.

Publishing Navigation

We will build an effective publishing strategy and guide you through every step of the process to ensure your book achieves your goals.

italy writers retreat tuscany

Special KAA Perk — Plan Your Book In Tuscany

Imagine planning or rewriting your book with a literary agent, a Big-5 publishing executive, or a #1 New York Times-bestselling author — all at a private villa in Tuscany.

Surrounded by the iconic vineyards and olive groves of the Chianti hills, you’ll have the time and space to focus entirely on your book. This immersive experience provides you with the expert insight needed to refine your ideas, strategize your publishing journey, and build your book with confidence, all while enjoying the beauty and inspiration of Tuscany.

Our Nonfiction Ghostwriting Services By Genre

  • How-to guides
  • Training manuals
  • History and historical nonfiction
  • Textbooks
  • Health and wellness
  • Politics
  • Essay collections
  • Speeches and professional presentations
  • Travel writing and guides
  • Prescriptive and narrative nonfiction
  • Love and relationships
  • …and more

The KAA Ghostwriting Experience

We carefully customize our ghostwriting process to meet your specific needs and publishing goals. The process below describes a standard ghostwriting experience.


Complimentary Author Consultation

Before any commitments are made or contracts are signed, we take the time to get to know you, your book, and your publishing goals. We’ll provide consultation regarding the publishing industry and discuss the optimal strategy for your book.


Preparation and Research

Through a series of phone calls and questionnaires, we’ll help you think through your book concept, platform, audience, and marketplace. Our preparation also includes reviewing any drafts, notes, articles, outlines, and other relevant background materials.


Meet Your Book-Writing Team

Every great book ever written was the result of an effective team. With KAA, you have an industry-leading team of bestselling writers, editors, and publishing executives that will develop a comprehensive strategy, navigate the publishing industry for you, and help you achieve your publishing goals.

Your Book Editor
Your editor will lead the book-writing process and collaborate with the team to (a) develop the book’s positioning, core concepts, structure, and themes; (b) provide market analysis and advise on target audience, marketing, and publishing strategy; (c) edit and review the manuscript throughout the book-writing process.

Note: All of the in-house editors at KAA are former acquisitions editors at Big-5 publishing houses (Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Hachette) who have acquired and edited hundreds of traditionally published books, including numerous New York Times bestsellers.

Your Writer/Ghostwriter
Your writer will work with you to pen your words to the page and revise the manuscript to ensure it captures your voice and vision. Our impressive roster of writers includes  #1 New York Times-bestselling and award-winning authors in a wide variety of genres.

Your Project Manager
There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to writing and publishing a book. Your project manager will establish and maintain the timeline, schedule interviews, and be a helpful resource for any questions that come up along the way.

Publishing Executives
Our team of publishing executives work behind the scenes with your writing team to ensure your book is aligned with your goals. They’ll also help you find the best home for your book (more on that below).


Strategy Sessions: Planning and Outlining Your Book

Meet with your book-writing team in person or via video conference for in-depth strategy sessions to brainstorm, plan, and build the foundation of your book. By the end of the sessions, you will have a detailed manuscript outline that captures your vision, as well as a publishing and marketing strategy that aligns with your goals.


Let’s Write Your Manuscript

It’s time to start writing your book! We’ll handle the heavy lifting so you can remain focused on the bigger picture, as well as life’s demands.

Your Words. Your Voice. Our Pen.
At KAA, we ensure that your book is unmistakably yours. Through ongoing interviews and careful editing, we’ll ensure every idea, word, and piece of content sounds and feels like your distinct voice.

Ongoing Manuscript Review and Revisions
Your writer will develop your manuscript one section at a time, giving you ample opportunity to discuss the draft in process and suggest revisions. 

Your editor will oversee the writing process and provide ongoing editorial review and direction to ensure the quality of the writing is up to publishing industry standards. 

Finalize Your Draft
Once the manuscript is complete and meets your full approval, an additional  editor (who has no knowledge of the project) will perform a “cold read,” editing the text for grammar and providing a final round of analysis and consultation.


Beta Reader Review and Revisions (Optional)

Your manuscript will be reviewed by 20+ impartial lay readers from within your target demographic who will provide detailed raw feedback and suggest improvements. The writing team will review this feedback with you and revise the book to ensure it resonates with your audience. Beta readers allow you and your team to make editorial decisions based on data.


Finding the Best Home for Your Book

Did you know less than 0.1% of people who want to write a book actually publish one? Not at KAA. Whether you want to break into traditional publishing, collaborate with a great hybrid publisher, or make the most of what self-publishing offers, we’ll guide you every step of the way. At KAA, we have former literary agents on staff, partnerships with dozens of publishers, and relationships with the most seasoned book marketers and PR teams to launch your book. We won’t just help you write your book, we’ll ensure you have a remarkable publishing experience.

Our offices are in New York, Nashville, and Los Angeles.
Can’t get to us? We can bring our team to you.

Let’s write your book and get it published

Work with our team of bestselling ghostwriters and editors to transform your ideas into a nonfiction book that finds its place on the shelf.

Not sure where to start? Call us! If you have a story outline or even just an idea you can’t get out of your head, we’re happy to discuss your concept and advise you on the best path forward.


How Do I Know What Details Are Important to Include or Exclude?

It all depends on the story you want to tell or concept you want to communicate. Lucky for you, we have a team of talented ghostwriters to help your articulate and shape the narrative for your book. Your writer can help you to make choices about what to include or omit in order to convey your central theme. Give us a call and tell us about your book, and our experienced team will help you decide the best strategy for developing it.

I’m Preparing for a Big Speech and Presentation—Do You Offer Ghostwriting Services for This?

Yes! While we focus primarily on writing books and other lengthier content, we also have experts on staff who have extensive experience with speech writing and presentations. In addition to writing content, we can develop presentation aids, such as PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, and more. Our speech and presentation writers work similarly to our ghostwriters for books; the process can be tailored to your needs and usually includes phone and video calls and/or email communication. Give us a call or send us an email to find out how we can serve your needs.

My Book Requires Research—Do Your Ghostwriting Services Include This?

Yes, our ghostwriting packages can include research services. Whether your book requires basic internet searches or rigorous scholarly research, we have writers on staff who can conduct effective research and synthesize it into your book.

Are You Able to Develop a Textbook or Manual?

Yes! We have writers on staff with experience crafting educational materials for a wide range of subjects, from mathematics to science to language to general how-to manuals. We can pair you with a ghostwriter and/or editor who can match the style and tone that you’re looking for and ensure that the writing is targeted effectively to your intended audience.

What Happens if I’m Not Happy or Satisfied with the Final Product?

We design our ghostwriting process to ensure that we’re always meeting your expectations and that there are no last-minute surprises. You will be able to review and influence your manuscript as the ghostwriter completes it, and you will have every opportunity to provide feedback and request revisions. Our process involves writing a small amount of material, sending it to you for feedback, making revisions based on your input, and then returning the revised content to you for approval before moving on. This method guarantees that you’ll be happy with the final result since you will have approved every page of writing leading up to the final page. With that said, if for some reason you’re not happy with the final product, it just means that it’s not the final product! We’ll continue to work with you until you’re satisfied with the results.

Am I Allowed to Choose My Ghostwriter? Can I View a Sample of Their Writing?

In general, we’re very adept at matching clients with the ghostwriter who will best suit them; however, we are also more than willing to provide you with writing samples and credentials for your potential ghostwriter. We can arrange for phone calls between you and potential writers and you are more than welcome to select between several options. Our goal is to make sure you’re fully satisfied with your ghostwriting experience from the very beginning.

Can I Claim Full Credit as Author Even Though I Didn’t Write the Book?

Yes, absolutely. The book we write for you will always be 100% your book. No one will ever know that you had professional help with the writing process unless you choose to tell them.

How Much Do Ghostwriting Services Cost?

Every ghostwriting project is unique: our pricing is flexible, and it varies according to what you choose to include in your package. Our comprehensive ghostwriting packages typically include writing services for the manuscript, phone time with the ghostwriter, review by a senior editor, copy editing, an original query letter and synopsis, a personalized list of literary agents to query, and publishing consultation.

What if I Just Want Feedback and Consultation on My Book?

Our editing and consultation services are perfectly suited for writers who are looking to improve their work. We can give input at whatever level of detail you’d like—overarching feedback on the structure and concept of the book, critical review on the flow and transitions, or copy edit the text itself. At your request, we can also address specific issues in our review of your work.

What Do I Need to Consider When Choosing a Ghostwriter?

The internet is littered with online writing and editing services, making it nearly impossible to sift through the scams and find a legitimate and trustworthy service. Here are some questions to ask when you’re vetting companies to ensure that you pick a reliable firm for all your writing and editing needs:

  1. Is the price right? If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Developing a high-quality book can take hundreds of hours of work and requires a high level of expertise—don’t be tempted by third-rate writers who market “affordable” prices.
  2. Who owns the rights to the book? It’s your book, which means you should own the rights to your content. Be wary of ghostwriters asking for partial rights to your material.
  3. What is the payment arrangement? You should always pay for ghostwriting services in installments and never 100% upfront. After the initial deposit, you should make subsequent payments only if you’re happy with what the ghostwriter has written up to that point. You should have clearly defined milestones for payments to ensure that you and your writer know what to expect.
  4. Who’s in charge? Working with a ghostwriter is a collaborative effort, but you should have the final say on all content decisions. If a writer is unwilling to put your needs and requests first, then it will not be your book—it will be theirs.
  5. Should I choose a freelancer or a firm? Beware of working with freelancers. While some may be reputable or qualified, most are overbooked and will not make good on the promises they make to you. Also, if anything should go wrong (whether it’s an issue between you and the writer, or a health concern), you will be stuck in the awkward and frustrating position of reclaiming your expenditures and then finding a replacement writer. With a firm like ours, we replace the writer free of charge to ensure the process moves forward efficiently and effectively.
  6. What’s their reputation? Be sure the writer or firm has worked on books that have been published by major publishing houses. Ideally, the writing service you choose will have a robust staff of bestselling writers, experienced editors, and a wide range of connections to literary agents and publishers.

Whatever service you decide to use, be sure to protect yourself. Make certain that you are working with a reputable and experienced company.

Once the Ghostwriting Is Complete, Can You Help with Publishing and Marketing?

We know that the publishing industry can be daunting, especially for first-time authors, so we offer consultation and comprehensive support for traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing outlets. Most of our all-inclusive ghostwriting packages include an original and customized query letter or book proposal free of charge. This invaluable marketing tool will be used to promote your book to literary agents and publishers. Not sure how to find a reputable literary agent? We’ve got you covered—we’ll provide you with a list of genre-appropriate agents to whom you can send your query letter or proposal!