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Had We but World Enough and Time: The Eternal Bane of Writers

Had We but World Enough and Time: The Eternal Bane of Writers

Recently, some folks (with a lot of time on their hands, apparently) got together and created nifty, color-coded schedules for some of history’s most famous writers, artists, musicians, and philosophers. The article is titled “Here’s How History’s Most Brilliant People Scheduled Their Days,” and the results are pretty fascinating. If you take a look, you may be struck by a few of the following observations:

  1. Many of the world’s greatest minds lived relatively normal lives. (Here’s looking at you, Ben Franklin!)
  2. A lack of sleep might explain some of Kafka’s absurdist fiction, along with some of Freud’s theories.
  3. One’s schedule can vary wildly when one doesn’t have a day job or only needs to work for a few hours each day.

The corollary to this final observation is that if you don’t need to work, then your life is open to so many more creative endeavors. The problem is, however, so many of us do have to work and our impulses for artistic creation are stymied by the daily grind. Between career, family, errands, social life, chores, food, and hopefully a few hours of sleep each night, even if we do have time to write, we are normally too exhausted—creativity is not for the sleepy of mind.

Granted, not all of us aspiring writers will become an Angelou, Nabokov, or Vonnegut, but we still might have something to say that’s worth writing. What about all of the memoirs, novels, or success stories that go unwritten because of the perpetual time crunch of life? What great (un)written works have been sacrificed on the altar of time?
Is there any hope?

Time-Saving Technology: A Writer’s Best Friend?

We seem to live in an incredibly exciting age. Technological advancements are designed to make our lives exponentially more efficient. Devices like the smartphone and innovations like Web 2.0 make everything (and everyone) available to us in the click of a button. We can order food without ever having to speak to another human being; we can read all the instant, breaking news of the day in 140 forty characters or less; and meeting possible friends and partners has never been easier.

Technology has definitely changed the way we use time, but has it given us more time to write? That answer is less obvious.

A Man Who Didn't Need a Ghostwriter

This guy spent over 4,500 pages in search of lost time. I hope he found it.

Time Is Not on Our Side

While technology has helped us become more methodical, in many cases (cough, Facebook, cough, cough, Twitter), it actually distracts us in those moments when we could be more creatively productive. Technology also has limits. While self-publishing a book has never been easier, technology can’t help us improve the book’s plot, and MS Word’s grammar check is only moderately helpful to the time-consuming editing process.

Yet, somehow, books continue to be written, published, and sold while we march off to lead some waste-of-time boardroom meeting or present our latest pitch to a client. Where is our time machine? Where is the device that allows us to work, live, and write?
The answer could be in the form of a person.

Time for Sale? Try Hiring a Ghostwriter

If you are too busy to fix your leaky sink at home or change the oil in your car, what do you do? That’s right, you contact a professional—a trusted expert to provide a needed service because you don’t have either the time or expertise to do it yourself.

In the today’s age, writing is no different. Professional and adept ghostwriters are being employed to provide aspiring book writers with the time, talent, and expertise that they don’t have on their own. Politicians, celebrities, businesses, and a host of other people and groups are utilizing ghostwriters en masse. A ghostwriter can give you the time you need to finally get your book down on paper and eventually published.

A Ghostwriter Allows You to Be Two Places at Once

A painter might paint the interior of your home, but you provide the guiding creative vision. You decide the color, spaces, textures… all the important details. Of course, if you want their professional opinion, the painter will also be happy to put in their two cents. But at the end of the day, you are the brains and they are the highly skilled brawn—which saves you precious time. The same scenario applies to the relationship between you and a ghostwriter: you supply the vision and they write that vision (and provide some professional input, if you’re looking for it), thus giving you the time you need to finally express your creative self and the assurance that your book is going to be written the way you want.
As human beings, we are in a constant race against time. Every second counts; we don’t have the luxuries of those brilliant people without day jobs. But what we do have are resources to produce the art of our imaginations, in spite of all the demands on our time. If you have a story to tell, but not the time to write it, don’t lose another second: find a ghostwriter and put their time to good use.

In fact, I will save you some time and find a ghostwriter for you. Contact the writers and editors at Kevin Anderson and Associates.
We will definitely make it worth your time.

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