We are thrilled to be collaborating with Make-A-Wish® Metro New York and Bettirose Epstein, cancer survivor, to help her write and publish her YA fantasy novel. The story, themes, characters, and magical setting of the book are all inspired by Bettirose’s real-life battle with cancer.
Bettirose’s leukemia diagnosis at the age of 13 made her medically eligible for a Wish. With the dream of becoming a published author, Make-a-Wish reached out to KAA to help in early 2019. Of course, we said yes and have been shepherding the entire process at no cost to Bettirose or Make-a-Wish. Overcoming the challenges of her recovery, homework, friends, and now COVID19, Bettirose’s dream of being a published author is about to come true.
Bettirose has been working closely with bestselling ghostwriter, Julia Watts, as well as our team of editors and publishing consultants. Along with nurturing Bettirose throughout the book-writing process, we’ll also be partnering with industry-leading book marketers, PR agents, and literary agents to ensure her book is a success.
In the next few months, we’ll be securing an agent and publisher for Bettirose, and helping her launch her book!
As with most industries, publishing has profited from, and often exploited, marginalized groups in our society. Too many dynamic voices have been ignored, slighted, or otherwise silenced by our industry. Kevin Anderson & Associates seeks to contribute in some way to correcting this injustice.
In this spirit, we are encouraging and currently accepting manuscript submissions from marginalized voices—especially people of color. We are accepting both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts, but the subject of each project should address (directly or indirectly) issues of race, equality, social justice, representation, economic injustice, and other questions that further dialogue about equality.
Our team will review each submission and select a winner based on the work’s artistic merit and its potential to generate change.
The winning manuscript will receive a full suite of services pro bono:
– EDITING: Manuscript review and analysis by one of our Executive Editors
– REVISIONS: Several rounds of revisions and review
– PITCH MATERIALS: Writing/editing query letter and pitch materials
– SECURING A PUBLISHING DEAL: Leveraging our connections to secure a traditional publishing deal (there will be no agent’s commission)
Now through August 1st, 2021
Please submit the following materials:
– Author Bio: Tell us about yourself and why you’re the right author for this book.
– Query Letter: Tell us about your book in 300 words or less.
– Writing Sample: Submit at least the first three chapters (feel free to send the entire manuscript)
Send all submissions to submissions@kawriting.com.
A few members of Kevin Anderson & Associates’ management team and acclaimed children’s author and KAA ghostwriter, Elizabeth Cody Kimmel, spent an afternoon at the Kravis Children’s Hospital at Mount Sinai. As part of a collaboration with the Child Life and Creative Arts Therapy Department, the event included book giveaways, readings, and signings.
We were delighted to donate 250 books to this incredible group. Reach Out and Read is a nonprofit organization focused on helping families develop daily reading routines and engage in other language-rich activities. Their pediatric teams integrate reading into pediatric practices and provide parents with the tools and knowledge needed to encourage these habits. When incorporated into a daily routine, reading aloud promotes healthy brain development, furthers language acquisition, and helps families build meaningful bonds.