PhDone: A Professional Dissertation Editor’s Guide to Writing Your Doctoral Thesis and Earning Your PhD has soared to the #2 spot on the prestigious Wall Street Journal bestseller list! This achievement is a testament to the invaluable wisdom and practical guidance packed into this one-of-a-kind doctoral writing resource.

kaa bestseller phdone
Authored by the dissertation experts at Kevin Anderson & Associates – Dr. Allen Roda, Dr. Lauren Saunders, and Kevin Anderson himself – PhDone provides a candid, behind-the-scenes look at mastering every stage of the dissertation process. From selecting a Chair and committee to developing methodology, analyzing data, and defending your work, this book leaves no stone unturned.
But PhDone is much more than just a technical writing guide. At its heart, it’s a personal mentor that addresses the deep emotional and psychological hurdles that too often derail doctoral candidates. With empathy, tough love, and been-there wisdom, the authors provide strategies for overcoming impostor syndrome, paralysis, burnout, and self-doubt.
Perhaps most invaluable is the book’s exploration of the often overlooked “game” of completing a dissertation. Readers are given an insider’s playbook for navigating departmental politics, managing relationships with advisors, and developing the resolve to persevere through unexpected obstacles. It’s this360-degree perspective that sets PhDone apart and has made it a lifeline for doctoral students around the world.
The book’s meteoric rise to #2 on the Wall Street Journal list is a powerful validation of the incredible demand for expert guidance on this pivotal career milestone. For too long, dissertation writers have lacked a definitive, real-world roadmap to not just survive but thrive during the grueling dissertation process.
As the first book from the newly launched Dissertation Editor imprint, PhDone has already become a cultural phenomenon and unifying force among doctoral candidates. Its straightforward, been-there advice has catalyzed countless online discussions, support groups, and communities of scholars banding together to achieve their ultimate goals.
We’re deeply heartened that Allen, Lauren, and Kevin’s wisdom is empowering a new generation of academics and thought leaders. Their book is playing an invaluable role in renewing passion for knowledge creation and bolstering the pipeline of groundbreaking research.
Most of all, we celebrate PhDone‘s core message – that earning a doctoral degree is an incredible feat of perseverance, fortitude, and intellectual courage. By arming students with the tools to overcome every imaginable roadblock, the book is opening new paths to innovation and societal impact.
Bring Your Book Vision to Life
The success of PhDone is a powerful reminder that with expert guidance, you too can transform your book idea into a published reality that impacts readers. If this bestseller has inspired you to author your own groundbreaking book, the Kevin Anderson & Associates team offers full-service ghostwriting, editing, book coaching, and publishing consulting to elevate your voice and vision.
Our seasoned professionals will partner with you through every stage of development to craft a compelling narrative, finely hone your writing, and skillfully navigate the publishing world.
Schedule a free consultation with us today to discuss how we can bring your literary ambition to fruition.
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