When Is a Memoir Worth Writing?

When Is a Memoir Worth Writing?

Whether the storyteller was your Uncle Norm, your next-door neighbor, or just some insufferable hotshot kid who went to Mexico for spring break and came back thinking he’s the next Carlos Castaneda, we’ve all been stuck in at least one interminable conversation with someone who thinks the world wants to hear their life story.

As the amateur orator expounds on every episode of his life in detail, you probably aren’t thinking to yourself, “Everyone’s story deserves to be told!”

While it may be true that listening to someone blabber on about the details of their years on this planet might not be the most entertaining way to spend an afternoon, there is—believe it or not—the possibility for everyone’s memoir to be worth writing. Don’t believe it, right? Well, let me explain.

Fascinating Books Are More Than Just Fascinating Stories

There are some memoirs that are categorically worth writing and reading because of the fantastical events that have occurred—whether it’s surviving a plane crash at the age of 11, or making a life-altering choice about your own body. We’ve all seen books by public figures that tell their incredible story from humble beginnings to the top of the world, and we’re enthralled and inspired by stories of success and triumph over adversity.

What’s Your Purpose for Writing?

Regardless of whether your initial motivation to write your memoir is for yourself or others, it can be a reflective, therapeutic endeavor. Choosing to step back, take stock, and articulate your stories through the process of book writing is a way to make sense of the various chapters of your life and take ownership of your own narrative. If you feel like you want to express your life story, you should—you’ll be amazed at what you learn about yourself during the process.

Of course, beyond being just a therapeutic process, the memoirs that are exceptional combine this inherent benefit to the author with a message that is equally uplifting, illuminating, or amusing for the reader.

Whether for yourself or for others, if you have a clear purpose for writing your memoir, then it’s a story worth sharing. If you’ve reflected on your life and you’re passionate about communicating what you’ve learned with the world, then your memoir is worth writing.

How Can You Write If You’re Not a Writer?

Even if you know it would be valuable to write your memoir, you might still be hesitant to start the process if—like most people—you’ve never written a book before. Where do you begin? How do you choose the aspects of your life to include and which to omit? Don’t worry—there’s good news! You can hire a ghostwriter to be your wordsmith! A talented writer will help you organize and plan your memoir, as well as help you with the actual writing itself. A ghostwriter will guide you through the entire process and ensure that your memoir is worthy not only of being written, but also of being read.

So if you’re ready to share your reflections on life, don’t worry about becoming the next Uncle Norm . . . pick up a pen—or the phone—and get started on your memoir!

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