So you want to write a book, but you’re a busy person: maybe you’ve got a full-time job or a business to run. Maybe you’ve got a family to take care of. How do you find the time to write the story that you want to share with the world?
1. Prioritize Writing Time
Science fiction author John Scalzi doesn’t mince words: if you really want to write, you just need to make the time to do it. “If you spend your free time after work watching TV, turn off the TV and write. If you prefer to spend time with your family when you get home, write a bit after the kids are in bed and before you turn in yourself.”
Finding time to write can be tough, but if writing is what you really want to do, you need to make it a priority.
2. Set Small, Attainable Goals
Luckily, you don’t have to commit to writing a huge quantity of material in order to write regularly. You can write 250 words a day, and by the end of a year, Scalzi points out, you’ll have 90,000 words, enough for a novel! Giving yourself small, attainable, regular goals is a great way to motivate yourself to write. Those little bits of writing will quickly add up to something substantive.
3. Don’t Wait for Inspiration
Commit to writing a little bit every day—and then do it, no matter what. Even if you’re tired or feeling uninspired, write your 250 words. If you constantly wait for the perfect moment, the one when you feel completely inspired and motivated to write, you’ll never get around to writing. By committing to a writing schedule—and sticking to it—you’ll turn writing into a habit. It’ll become something that you just do, even when you aren’t inspired. And guess what? Sometimes the act of picking up a pen or opening up a document on your laptop and starting to write can be just the thing to generate inspiration.
4. Find Unconventional Ways to Write
If finding the time to write is a challenge for you, find unconventional ways to squeeze writing time in. Harlequin suggests, for instance, that if you’ve got a long commute in a car, you could use that time to write by speaking into a voice recorder. Take stock of your day and try to identify slices of time when you could be writing, even if that writing doesn’t take the form of putting pen to paper or opening powering up your word processor.
If you’ve got a story that you want to tell, but no way to find the time to write it, there’s another solution: work with a ghostwriter. Our professional ghostwriters can help you turn your story and ideas into a fully realized book. Contact us today to find out more about our comprehensive book-writing and book-editing services.
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